Pharmacy Courses

Understanding USFDA Terminology in Pharma

In the rapidly evolving pharma sector, few USFDA terms are crucial, especially with growing investor interest in Indian pharma. Here's a quick breakdown:

CGMP: Stands for Current Good Manufacturing Practice. It's the gold standard enforced by the FDA that every USFDA-approved facility must follow.

USFDA Inspections:

- Pre-Approval Inspection (PAI): Before approving any new drug, the FDA checks if your methods and facilities are top-notch.

- Routine Inspections: These surprise inspections happen every two years to ensure ongoing compliance.

- For-Cause Inspections: Triggered by previous or suspected violations, these are the FDA’s follow-ups.

Form 483: A list of issues found during an inspection. You get 15 days to respond and fix them.

Establishment Inspection Report (EIR): After inspection and your response, the FDA will classify your facility:

- No Action Indicated (NAI): All clear.

- Voluntary Action Indicated (VAI): Issues found, but no immediate action needed.

- Official Action Indicated (OAI): Serious problems; corrective action required.

Warning Letter: Issued if your response to an OAI is unsatisfactory. This puts a hold on new drug approvals.

Import Alert: If things are really bad, your products might be banned from entering the U.S. market until issues are resolved.

Read also:

Resource Person: Saket Yeotikar

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