Pharmacy Courses

Lean Stability and Risk-Based Approaches for Pharmaceutical Stability Strategies


Lean Stability and Risk Based approaches can significantly enhance pharmaceutical stability strategies by focusing on the most critical aspects of drug stability and optimizing the overall process. 


Here are some key ways these approaches enable meaningful and phase-specific strategies:

Enhanced Understanding of Drug Characteristics: 

By leveraging a deep understanding of the physical and chemical properties of drug substances and products, these approaches help identify the most critical quality attributes and stability-indicating parameters.

Optimized Stability Protocols:

Lean Stability focuses on reducing and optimizing standard stability protocols. This means fewer, but more targeted, stability tests are conducted, which can expedite the generation of stability data without compromising safety, efficacy, or quality.

Phase-Specific Strategies:

During different phases of drug development (clinical, registration, and post-approval), the stability requirements can vary. Lean Stability and Risk-Based approaches allow for tailored strategies that address the specific needs and risks at each phase, ensuring that stability testing is both efficient and effective.

Regulatory Compliance and Flexibility:

These approaches align with modern regulatory expectations and guidelines, such as those from the International Council for Harmonization (ICH). 

By focusing on the highest risk attributes and critical time points, they facilitate smoother regulatory submissions and approvals.

Efficiency and Cost Reduction: 

By streamlining stability testing and focusing resources on the most critical aspects, these approaches can reduce the time and cost associated with bringing new drugs to market.

Improved Decision Making:

Risk-Based approaches enable better decision-making by prioritizing stability studies based on scientific risk assessments. This ensures that stability programs are more robust and data-driven.

Overall, Lean Stability and Risk-Based approaches provide a more efficient, targeted, and scientifically sound framework for pharmaceutical stability testing, ultimately leading to faster and more reliable drug development processes.

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Resource Person: BARBARA PIROLA

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