Pharmacy Courses

Equipment Qualification | Why It Matters?

In the world of pharmaceuticals and biotech, ensuring that our equipment performs correctly is crucial. This process, known as equipment qualification, is all about making sure that our tools and machines work as intended and meet industry standards. Here's a simple breakdown:

What is Equipment Qualification?

It's a set of checks and tests to confirm that our equipment can do what it's supposed to do, safely and effectively. Think of it as a health check-up for our machinery.

Why is it Important?

Safety First: Properly qualified equipment helps prevent accidents and ensures the safety of our products.

Quality Assurance: It ensures that our products are made consistently and meet high-quality standards.

Regulatory Compliance: Meeting the requirements set by regulatory bodies (like the FDA) keeps us in business and builds trust with our customers.

Steps Involved:

Design Qualification (DQ): We start by making sure the equipment design meets our needs.

Installation Qualification (IQ): Next, we verify that the equipment is installed correctly.

Operational Qualification (OQ): Then, we check that it operates according to specifications.

Performance Qualification (PQ): Finally, we ensure it performs well under real-world conditions.

By following these steps, we ensure our equipment is ready to produce safe, effective, and high-quality products.

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Resource Person: Yan Hai, M.A.Sc.

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