Pharmacy Courses

Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics | Leon Shargel


Author: Leon Shargel 

Originally Published: 1980

Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics is a comprehensive textbook on the theoretical and practical applications of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics. This book discuss detail about drug product performance and biopharmaceutics, how biopharmaceutics affects drug product performance and define pharmacokinetics and describe how pharmacokinetics is related to pharmacodynamics and drug toxicity.

Table of Contents of Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics

Chapter 1: Introduction to Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics

Chapter 2: Mathematical Fundamentals in Pharmacokinetics

Chapter 3: Biostatistics

Chapter 4: One-Compartment Open Model: Intravenous Bolus Administration

Chapter 5: Multicompartment Models: Intravenous Bolus Administration

Chapter 6: Intravenous Infusion

Chapter 7: Drug Elimination, Clearance, and Renal Clearance

Chapter 8: Pharmacokinetics of Oral Absorption

Chapter 9: Multiple-Dosage Regimens

Chapter 10: Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics

Chapter 11: Physiologic Drug Distribution and Protein Binding

Chapter 12: Drug Elimination and Hepatic Clearance

Chapter 13: Pharmacogenetics and Drug Metabolism

Chapter 14: Physiologic Factors Related to Drug Absorption

Chapter 15: Biopharmaceutic Considerations in Drug Product Design and In Vitro Drug Product Performance

Chapter 16: Drug Product Performance, In Vivo: Bioavailability and Bioequivalence

Chapter 17: Biopharmaceutical Aspects of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient and Pharmaceutical Equivalence

Chapter 18: Impact of Biopharmaceutics on Drug Product Quality and Clinical Efficacy

Chapter 19: Modified-Release Drug Products and Drug Devices

Chapter 20: Targeted Drug Delivery Systems and Biotechnological Products

Chapter 21: Relationship Between Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

Chapter 22: Application of Pharmacokinetics to Clinical Situations

Chapter 23: Application of Pharmaco­kinetics to Specific Populations: Geriatric, Obese, and Pediatric Patients

Chapter 24: Dose Adjustment in Renal and Hepatic Disease

Chapter 25: Empirical Models, Mechanistic Models, Statistical Moments, and Noncompartmental Analysis

Appendix A: Applications of Software Packages in Pharmacokinetics

Appendix B: Glossary

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